Make mine fun - blog tour that is by Vivian Zabel

Authors have access to information about virtual tours: how to, when to, why to, etc. Now, here, readers will have some insight into blog tours and a chance to join the fun. Schedules for ongoing tours will be available, or a link to find schedules. Opportunities will be offered for bloggers to join tours as hosts.

What a great way to learn about and become acquainted with authors and maybe illustrators. This blog offers a way to learn about new books that are on tour.

Want a mystery? Last week a blog tour followed the book Midnight Hours and the villain Midnight over cyber space. A couple of weeks ago a lovable little monster captured hearts of children of all ages as Trockle visited various blogs. His author, Holly Jahangiri, and illustrator, Jordan M. Vinyard, traveled with him. So did his mom and his new best friend Stephen. (The schedules are archived on 4RV Archived Schedules)

We'll do our best to help readers find something they can and will enjoy as different virtual tours come through and stop from time to time. Following blog tours and participating as readers is just fun.

Perhaps some readers who have blogs would enjoy becoming part of a blog tour, or two or three or ... *laugh* You get the idea.

Bookmark this blog. I'm going to post occasionally, so remember to come visit me and the other guest posters.


Anonymous said...

I am more than happy to help host a blog. I'm also thinking of my own, come the day I can do one for my picture book, A New Job for Dilly. Since it's an alphabet book, I want to make the tour fun and different. Lots to think about! :)

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